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History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Administration, Finance, & Educational ResearchSECONDARY EDUCATION, HIGHER EDUCATION

Official Country Name: Islamic State of Afghanistan
Region: East & South Asia
Population: 25,838,797
Language(s): Pashtu, Afghan Persian (Dari), Uzbek, Turkmen, Balochi, Pashai
Literacy Rate: 31.5%
Compulsory Schooling: 6 years
Educational Enrollment: Primary: 1,312,197
  Secondary: 497,762
  Higher: 24,333
Educational Enrollment Rate: Primary: 49%
  Secondary: 22%
Teachers: Secondary: 17,548
  Higher: 1,342
Student-Teacher Ratio: Primary: 58:1
  Secondary: 28:1
Female Enrollment Rate: Primary: 32%
  Secondary: 12%

Secondary level education (ages 13 to 18) was not compulsory and appeared to be less widely available (if at all) than primary education and nonformal education programs. Although elementary schools were located throughout the country, secondary schools were generally located only in larger cities.

Prior to the war years, Afghanistan had two universities, Kabul University and the University of Nangarhar in Jalabad. Kabul University had been a respected learning center, and its medical faculty was largely responsible for the opening of the University of Nangarhar in 1962. In addition to the two universities, in 1983 there were also seven professional and technical universities.

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