History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary EducationNONFORMAL EDUCATION, SUMMARY
Official Country Name: | Republic of Albania |
Region: | Europe |
Population: | 3,490,435 |
Language(s): | Albanian, Greek |
Literacy Rate: | 93% |
Academic Year: | September-June |
Number of Primary Schools: | 1,782 |
Compulsory Schooling: | 8 years |
Public Expenditure on Education: | 3.1% |
Educational Enrollment: | Primary: 558,101 |
Secondary: 89,895 | |
Higher: 34,257 | |
Educational Enrollment Rate: | Primary: 107% |
Secondary: 38% | |
Higher: 12% | |
Teachers: | Primary: 31,369 |
Secondary: 6,321 | |
Higher: 2,348 | |
Student-Teacher Ratio: | Primary: 18:1 |
Secondary: 17:1 | |
Female Enrollment Rate: | Primary: 108% |
Secondary: 38% | |
Higher: 14% |
Albania's nonformal education offerings are limited. Part-time education is available through correspondence courses. Employment-related continuing education courses are offered to diploma-holders with two years of related work experience. Students completing these courses are given a certificate. Albania's lack of resources has restricted the availability of distance learning and alternative delivery systems.
Like many emerging democracies, Albania views education as central to building a new society that can compete in the twenty-first century. Its movement from a totalitarian regime to a democratic society has been hampered by economic and political instability.
Albania, February 2001. Available from
Albania: Land of the Eagles. Education, February 2001. Available from
Euro Education Net. Structure of Education System in Albania, February 2000. Available from
International Monetary Fund. Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper—Albania, 2000. Available from
Kaltounis, Theodore. "Democratic Citizenship: Education in Albania." The Social Studies 90, 6 (November 1999): 245.
Leach, Jenny, and Bob Moon, "Albania's Open Question." Times Educational Supplement 4212 (21 March 1997): B3.
—Mark Connelly
Additional topics
- Algeria - History Background, Constitutional Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary Primary Education, Secondary Education
- Afghanistan - History Background, Constitutional Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary Primary Education, Administration, Finance, Educational Research - SECONDARY EDUCATION, HIGHER EDUCATION
- Albania - History Background
- Albania - Constitutional Legal Foundations
- Albania - Educational System—overview
- Albania - Preprimary Primary Education
- Albania - Secondary Education
- Albania - Higher Education
- Albania - Administration, Finance, Educational Research
- Albania - Teaching Profession
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