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History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary EducationNONFORMAL EDUCATION, SUMMARY

Official Country Name: Republic of Albania
Region: Europe
Population: 3,490,435
Language(s): Albanian, Greek
Literacy Rate: 93%
Academic Year: September-June
Number of Primary Schools: 1,782
Compulsory Schooling: 8 years
Public Expenditure on Education: 3.1%
Educational Enrollment: Primary: 558,101
  Secondary: 89,895
  Higher: 34,257
Educational Enrollment Rate: Primary: 107%
  Secondary: 38%
  Higher: 12%
Teachers: Primary: 31,369
  Secondary: 6,321
  Higher: 2,348
Student-Teacher Ratio: Primary: 18:1
  Secondary: 17:1
Female Enrollment Rate: Primary: 108%
  Secondary: 38%
  Higher: 14%

Albania's nonformal education offerings are limited. Part-time education is available through correspondence courses. Employment-related continuing education courses are offered to diploma-holders with two years of related work experience. Students completing these courses are given a certificate. Albania's lack of resources has restricted the availability of distance learning and alternative delivery systems.

Like many emerging democracies, Albania views education as central to building a new society that can compete in the twenty-first century. Its movement from a totalitarian regime to a democratic society has been hampered by economic and political instability.


Albania, February 2001. Available from http://countrywatch.altavista.com/.

Albania: Land of the Eagles. Education, February 2001. Available from http://www.albania.co.uk/.

Euro Education Net. Structure of Education System in Albania, February 2000. Available from http://www.euroeducation.net/prof/albanco.htm/.

International Monetary Fund. Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper—Albania, 2000. Available from http://www.imf.org/.

Kaltounis, Theodore. "Democratic Citizenship: Education in Albania." The Social Studies 90, 6 (November 1999): 245.

Leach, Jenny, and Bob Moon, "Albania's Open Question." Times Educational Supplement 4212 (21 March 1997): B3.

—Mark Connelly

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