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Higher Education

Students with the Higher School Certificate may choose to attend one of two lycées (polytechnical institutes), run by the Management Trust Fund, or one of four universities.

Established in 1972, the University of Mauritius (UOM) offers programs of study in agriculture, sugar technology, industrial technology, and policies and administration. Enrollment in 1997 reached 2,800 students. Faculty members, both full- and part-time, totaled 300.

Mainly a teaching college, Mauritius Institute of Education (MIE) offers education degrees in science, agriculture, mathematics, and computers, as well as programs in commerce and business studies, general education studies, English, French, movement and physical education, home economics, visual arts, design and technology, educational administration and management, media and teaching aids, and social studies. MIE also offers postgraduate teaching certification.

The Mahatma Gandhi Institute, founded in 1970 by the governments of India and Mauritius to promote Indian ethnology, operates three schools: Music and Fine Arts, Indian Studies, and Mauritian and Asian Studies.

Finally, Mauritius College of the Air, which broadcasts classes, offers postsecondary education in English, French, chemistry, physics, mathematics, business management, and accounting.

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Education - Free Encyclopedia Search EngineGlobal Education ReferenceMauritius - Constitutional Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary Primary Education, Higher Education, Teaching Profession - HISTORY BACKGROUND, SECONDARY EDUCATION, FINANCE ADMINISTRATION EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, NONFORMAL EDUCAT