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Nonformal Education

There is a well-developed system of education for adults where they may complete their education and acquire special skills. Various institutions also organize a large number of courses, ranging from information science and computer science to the study of foreign languages. Special educational courses have also been organized in the fields of management and business. The Workers University (Rabutniski Univerzitet) offers a wide variety of courses for additional education. It does not award degrees but offers special courses leading to various certifications or qualifications.

New modes of distance learning are continually being developed. Some examples of the kinds of distance learning available through the Internet include: UTOS, which is a web-based distance education system for learning, testing, and assessment in Macedonian; MATEIS—Mathematical Electronic Interactive System, which is an education system for learning mathematics and informatics; and International Education and Resource Network, which enables students and teachers worldwide to conduct collaborative projects in Macedonian and English.

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Education - Free Encyclopedia Search EngineGlobal Education ReferenceMacedonia - History Background, Constitutional Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary Primary Education, Secondary Education