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Education is Luxembourg's number one priority. The largest expenditure in the national budget is for education. Luxembourg's emphasis on education directs students to a variety of careers with more students graduating from Secondary Technical Schools than from General Secondary Schools. Students seeking higher education are subsidized by the national government, which regulates most aspects of education including curricula, teacher qualifications, salaries, school budgets, and textbook selection. The Ministry of Education strictly governs private education, except for the selection of headmaster and teachers and the types of fees charged. Luxembourg is a small country. The country's future depends on a well-educated population to survive. Luxembourg's population, regardless of nationality, is educationally thriving in a technology and information driven era.


Facts about Luxembourg. Luxembourg: Luxembourg Press and Information Service, 1975.

Harsch, Raymond. Education in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Luxembourg: Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Formation Professionnelle, 1997.

Levy, Jerome. L'Enseignement Secondaire General 1998/1999, Statistiques Globales & Analyse des Resultats Scolaires. Luxembourg: Ministère de l'Education Nationale, 2000.

——. L'Enseignement Secondaire Technique, 1998/1999, Statistiques Generales & Analyse de la Promotion des Eleves. Luxembourg: Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Formation Professsionnelle, 2000.

——. Examen de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires, Comparisons et Analyse. Luxembourg: Ministère de L'Education, 2000.

The Luxembourg Grand Ducal Family. Luxembourg: Press and Information Service, 1975.

Majerus, Pierre. The Institutions of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Luxembourg: Press and Information Service, 1973.

Margue, Paul. A Short History of Luxembourg. Luxembourg: Information and Press Department, 1974.

—William A. Paquette

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Education - Free Encyclopedia Search EngineGlobal Education ReferenceLuxembourg - History Background, Constitutional Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary Primary Education, Secondary Education