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History & Background, Preprimary & Primary Education, Higher Education, Nonformal Education, Teaching ProfessionEDUCATIONAL SYSTEM—OVERVIEW, SECONDARY EDUCATION, FINANCE ADMINISTRATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH

Official Country Name: Gabonese Republic
Region: Africa
Population: 1,208,436
Language(s): French, Fang, Myene, Bateke, Bapounou/Eschira, Bandjabi
Literacy Rate: 63.2%

In present-day Gabon, education is compulsory for 10 years from the ages of 6 to 16. The system is modeled on education in France and French is the language of instruction. However, primary education lasts six years rather than the five it does in France because students need an extra year to begin learning French.

Secondary education lasts 7 years from the ages of 12 to 18. It is divided into two cycles: the first lasts four years and the second three years. In 1995-1996, there were 80,552 secondary students, of whom 47 percent were female, taught by 3,094 teachers, of whom only 18 percent were female. Most of the students were in general secondary education; only 7,588 students were enrolled in vocational education and 76 in teacher training.

France has had a great influence on the nature and organization of the institutions in Gabon. As in France, the Ministry of Education is responsible for both public and private education throughout the country.

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