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Democratic Congo

Constitutional & Legal Foundations

In 1960, the Fundamental Law declared that all children had a right to an education. Each province assumed this responsibility for its children. University education was the domain of the central government. The Ministry of Education administered and oversaw all aspects of education, including school inspections. The 1964 Constitution restated that education was a right, not a privilege, as it had been during colonial times. Mobutu's 1965 coup erased this constitutional provision, thus the energy and will to enforce compulsory, universal primary education experienced a set-back.

Education between ages 6 and 12 is currently compulsory, but there are no mechanisms for enforcing this policy. Only the utilitarian desire to get an education in order to open the doors that allow you to get ahead drives pupils into the DRC's schools.

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Education - Free Encyclopedia Search EngineGlobal Education ReferenceDemocratic Congo - History Background, Constitutional Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary Primary Education, Secondary Education