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The 1970s educational reforms yielded positive results as literacy rates increased, the dropout rate decreased and more educational opportunities became available in the rural areas where many students were exposed to agricultural technology and the business market. In the 1980s and 1990s the forces of reform took a back seat as conservative politics dominated the country. In the immediate future, Panama has to attract better teachers and offer more educational opportunities for students living in the rural and poorest areas. It has to provide more technology and promote the use of the Internet in the classroom.


Culiolis Bayard, Andrés. 500 años de educación en Panamá. Panamá: Editora Escolar, 1992.

Meditz, Sandra W. and Dennis M. Hanratty. Panama, a Country Study. Washington: United States Government, 1989.

Soto Blanco, Ovidio. La educación en Centroamérica. San Salvador: Publicaciones de la Secretaría General de la Oraganización de Estados Centroamericanos, 1968.

Tello Burgos, Argelia. "Sinopsis del desarrollo de la educación en Panamá dentro del contexto histórico de la república." Panamá, 90 años de República, vol II, 209-250. Panamá: Instituto Nacional de Cultura, Presidencia de la República, 1993.

World Higher Education Database 2000. Available from http://www.usc.dept/.

—Jorge Rodríguez-Florido

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Education - Free Encyclopedia Search EngineGlobal Education ReferencePanama - History Background, Constitutional Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary Primary Education, Secondary Education