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North Korea

History & Background, Educational System—overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education, Higher Education

Official Country Name: Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Region: East & South Asia
Population: 21,687,550
Language(s): Korean, English
Literacy Rate: 99%
Academic Year: March-February
Number of Primary Schools: 4,813
Compulsory Schooling: 11 years
Public Expenditure on Education: NA
Foreign Students in National Universities: NA
Libraries: NA
Educational Enrollment: Primary: 1,884,000
  Secondary: 2,915,000
  Higher: 310,000
Educational Enrollment Rate: Primary: NA
  Secondary: NA
  Higher: NA
Teachers: Primary: 47,000
  Secondary: 98,000
  Higher: 23,000
Student-Teacher Ratio: Primary: 40:1
  Secondary: 30:1
Female Enrollment Rate: Primary: NA
  Secondary: NA
  Higher: NA

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