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Benefits of Requesting Free Information from Colleges

Preparing students for college is one of the foremost concerns for a high school counselor. Students need proper guidance and support of their teachers to enable them to select a college that is the right fit for them depending on their career choice. It is very important for the teacher to encourage students to request for free information from colleges before they zero-in on a college that serves as a best fit for them. By requesting colleges to provide free information, students can get a clear understanding of what to expect from a college in terms of education, social life, and financial aid.

What Kinds of Information from Colleges Can Be Requested

Students can request for free information from colleges by asking questions of interest in the following areas:

  • Students: Free information about students can be requested by inquiring about the background (educational and economic) of the majority of the students and the things that the students like and dislike the most about their colleges. They can also inquire about the political, social, and academic issues concerning the students and the management’s response to these issues.
  • Social life and campus: Free information regarding the social life of the students and the role of fraternities and sororities on campus can be requested from colleges. They can inquire about the dominant social groups, the role of the campus newsletter, and the social and cultural highlights.
  • Campus amenities: Free information requested from colleges can also include the campus facilities offered. Students always want to know about the housing and dining facilities, activity centers and recreation facilities, health, counseling, security services, and the library facility in the college. They want to know about the kind of accommodation offered and the types of food plans. They are also keen on inquiring about the facilities offered by the student center and the fitness center. Another area of concern for students is the availability of doctors, nurses, psychologists, and career counselors on campus. They are also keen on finding out about the security arrangements in the college. A primary area of concern is regarding the library and whether it is well-equipped, and if there are enough computers and copy machines.
  • Off-campus community: Free information regarding the off-campus community can also be requested from colleges. Students want to know about the city/town in which the college is located and they want to inquire about the different accessibility options for the college.
  • Academics and faculty: Students can also request free information regarding the educational programs offered by the colleges. They are keen to find out about the distinctive education offered and the educational philosophy adopted by the college. They inquire about the most popular majors in the college and if there is too much pressure of academics. Students also want to know if there is enthusiasm about the classes and if people discuss their courses outside their classes. Another question commonly asked is regarding the relationship between the students and the faculty.

Once all these questions have been answered, students are in a good position to make informed decisions regarding a suitable college. Before selecting a college, it is recommended that students make a list of things that they want from the college in terms of the academic courses, location of the college, and the affordable limit for the cost of college education. The next step involves researching various colleges and requesting them for free information.
Requesting for free information from colleges is one of the best ways to clear perceptions about different colleges and finding a college that is the most apt for students. Potential students can request for free information from colleges by visiting the StateUniversity (http://www.stateuniversity.com/) website.

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Education - Free Encyclopedia Search EngineAnswers to Your Questions about College