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Secondary Education

Secondary schools comprise grades 10 to 12. There is an increased emphasis on promoting abstract thinking. Previously taught material is reviewed in order to ensure that the students meet the necessary standard. Students have the ability to choose from a wider variety of courses, and either the basic or advanced level of each course. Upon completion of the tenth grade, students receive a certificate that lists the completed subjects, and the level of the courses taken.

Teaching becomes more specialized in the eleventh and twelfth grades. Pupil's interests are taken into consideration and courses in liberal arts, natural science, technology, economics, and commerce are offered. Emphasis is also placed on independent study.

A secondary school leaving diploma is granted following the completion of five to seven examinations. These compulsory exams include the native language and literature, mathematics, a foreign language, and one of the chosen electives. Students are able to choose basic or advanced levels at the time of the examination. The leaving diploma signifies the completion of comprehensive schooling (Barrett 1995/96).

General education may also be acquired at the appropriate vocational schools. There are vocational schools (i.e., part-time or evening schools) for adults who wish to complete their general education. Technical education is also available through vocational institutions. This vocational training is coordinated with general education regulations and upon completion, may be furthered at advanced training and retraining facilities. The vocational institutions can develop technical and agricultural skills, as well as the skills needed in the commercial and trade sectors. Persons over the age of 14 are permitted to attend these institutions to complete their comprehensive schooling, while learning a vocation.

School is conducted in hospitals for children who are in need of care. These children, in addition to those schooled in the home, are educated in accordance with the procedures established by the Ministry of Culture and Education. Special schools of general education are established for children with antisocial behavioral traits (NAFSA 1991).

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Education - Free Encyclopedia Search EngineGlobal Education ReferenceLithuania - History Background, Constitutional Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary Primary Education, Secondary Education