History & Background, Educational System—overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education, Higher EducationCONSTITUTIONAL & LEGAL FOUNDATIONS, NONFORMAL EDUCATION
Official Country Name: | Republic of Guinea |
Region: | Africa |
Population: | 7,466,200 |
Language(s): | French |
Literacy Rate: | 35.9% |
Academic Year: | October-July |
Number of Primary Schools: | 3,723 |
Compulsory Schooling: | 6 years |
Public Expenditure on Education: | 1.9% |
Foreign Students in National Universities: | 45 |
Educational Enrollment: | Primary: 674,732 |
Secondary: 143,243 | |
Higher: 8,151 | |
Educational Enrollment Rate: | Primary: 54% |
Secondary: 14% | |
Higher: 1% | |
Teachers: | Primary: 13,883 |
Secondary: 4,958 | |
Higher: 947 | |
Student-Teacher Ratio: | Primary: 49:1 |
Secondary: 29:1 | |
Female Enrollment Rate: | Primary: 41% |
Secondary: 7% | |
Higher: 0.3% |
The constitution of 1958 guarantees free, compulsory, and equal education to every citizen until the age of 15. However, the legal and constitutional foundations of the educational system have been undermined by an early Socialist-inspired plan that often resulted in decrees being directly handed down from the executive branch of the government without any consultation or debate with qualified experts.
Illiteracy is an ongoing problem that the Guinean government addresses through regular nationwide campaigns. While progress has been made, the percentage of illiterates among the adult population is still among the highest in West Africa. In 2000, adult literacy rates were 36 percent for males and 22 percent for females. There has been an effort to promote literacy in the national and tribal dialects, but that rate still does not exceed 50 percent.
Additional topics
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guernsey
- Guinea - History Background
- Guinea - Educational System—overview
- Guinea - Preprimary Primary Education
- Guinea - Secondary Education
- Guinea - Higher Education
- Guinea - Administration, Finance, Educational Research
- Guinea - Teaching Profession
- Guinea - Summary
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