History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education
Official Country Name: | Republic of Cyprus |
Region: | Middle East |
Population: | 758,363 |
Language(s): | Greek, Turkish, English |
Literacy Rate: | 94% |
Number of Primary Schools: | 376 |
Compulsory Schooling: | 9 years |
Foreign Students in National Universities: | 1,675 |
Libraries: | 117 |
Educational Enrollment: | Primary: 64,761 |
Secondary: 61,266 | |
Higher: 9,982 | |
Educational Enrollment Rate: | Primary: 100% |
Secondary: 97% | |
Higher: 23% | |
Teachers: | Primary: 4,202 |
Secondary: 4,934 | |
Higher: 1,061 |
Student-Teacher Ratio: | Primary: 15:1 |
Secondary: 13:1 | |
Female Enrollment Rate: | Primary: 100% |
Secondary: 99% | |
Higher: 25% |
Additional topics
- Czech Republic - History Background, Constitutional Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary Primary Education, Secondary Education
- Cuba - History Background, Constitutional Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary Primary Education, Secondary Education
- Cyprus - History Background
- Cyprus - Constitutional Legal Foundations
- Cyprus - Educational System—overview
- Cyprus - Preprimary Primary Education
- Cyprus - Secondary Education
- Cyprus - Higher Education
- Cyprus - Administration, Finance, Educational Research
- Cyprus - Nonformal Education
- Cyprus - Teaching Profession
- Cyprus - Summary
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