History & Background, Educational System—overview, Preprimary & Primary Education, Secondary Education, Higher EducationCONSTITUTIONAL & LEGAL FOUNDATIONS
Official Country Name: | Republic of Chad |
Region: | Africa |
Population: | 8,424,504 |
Language(s): | French, Arabic, Sara, Sango |
Literacy Rate: | 48.1% |
Number of Primary Schools: | 2,660 |
Compulsory Schooling: | 6 years |
Public Expenditure on Education: | 1.7% |
Educational Enrollment: | Primary: 591,493 |
Secondary: 99,789 | |
Higher: 3,446 | |
Educational Enrollment Rate: | Primary: 57% |
Secondary: 9% | |
Higher: 1% | |
Teachers: | Primary: 9,395 |
Secondary: 2,792 | |
Student-Teacher Ratio: | Primary: 67:1 |
Secondary: 37:1 | |
Female Enrollment Rate: | Primary: 39% |
Secondary: 4% | |
Higher: 0.2% |
A new constitution, adopted by referendum on March 31, 1997, guarantees a free and compulsory education for all Chadian citizens between the ages of 6 through 14. Civil war, however, has long prevented the full implementation of that goal, and school enrollments at all levels remain low.
Additional topics
- Chile - History Background, Constitutional Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary Primary Education, Nonformal Education
- Central African Republic - History Background, Preprimary Primary Education, Secondary Education, Higher Education - SUMMARY
- Chad - History Background
- Chad - Educational System—overview
- Chad - Preprimary Primary Education
- Chad - Secondary Education
- Chad - Higher Education
- Chad - Administration, Finance, Educational Research
- Chad - Summary
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