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History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Secondary Education, Higher EducationPREPRIMARY & PRIMARY EDUCATION

Official Country Name: Eastern Republic of Uruguay
Region: South America
Population: 3,334,074
Language(s): Spanish, Portunol, Brazilero
Literacy Rate: 97.3%
Academic Year: March-December
Number of Primary Schools: 2,415
Compulsory Schooling: 6 years
Public Expenditure on Education: 3.3%
Educational Enrollment: Primary: 345,573
  Secondary: 269,826
  Higher: 79,691
Educational Enrollment Rate: Primary: 109%
  Secondary: 85%
Teachers: Primary: 16,868
  Higher: 9,907
Student-Teacher Ratio: Primary: 20:1
Female Enrollment Rate: Primary: 108%

Children completing the first 6 years (ages 6 to 12) of compulsory education in Uruguay are awarded a Certificado de Suficiencia Escolar Para Continuar Estudios, which certifies their preparation for secondary education.

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