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Constitutional & Legal Foundations

Immediately after the war, the government approved a law that made education a right for all. However, this right is yet to be implemented.

According to the Constitution (Article 41) and the law "About Education" (Article 12) all children must complete nine years of classes of basic education. The state also guarantees free entry into state educational institutions, general secondary education (11 classes), secondary professional and vocational education (according to abilities and on a competitive basis), secondary special, and higher education. The former uniform education system was replaced by multiprofiled, multialternative, and other ways of education as well as the concept of the "national school" approved by the government on 13 June 1994 (basic education).

According to the law of the Republic of Tajikistan, "About Education" (27 December 1993), the purpose of education is to satisfy the requirements of the person in all-around development for realization of all abilities, survival, existence, and improved quality of life and work, thereby improving the economic, cultural, and spiritual legacy for maintaining the social and economic development of Republic of Tajikistan. In June 1994 the concept of the "national school" (basic access) was ratified.

Ratification by the government of Tajikistan in 1993 of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child imposes obligations, as stipulated in Article 4 of this document, about realization of children's rights recognized by this convention. A number of programs were developed: "The Program of Development of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan Until 2005," "The Program on Improvement of the Role of Women and Family, Both Care of Motherhood and Childhood Until 2005," and others.

The Republic Tajikistan on 29 June 1993 ratified the Convention on Liquidation of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. The equal rights of the women with men are reflected also in the Labor Code (since 11 June 1997), Criminal Code (since 1 September 1998), and the Codes about Family and Marriage. Following the instructions of an international conference on population and development, the government of the country set up a commission, one task of which was elimination of gender imbalance in the country. On 10 September 1998 the resolution of the government "About the Statement of the National Plan of Actions of the Republic of Tajikistan on Increasing the Status and Role of Women from 1998-2005" was passed.

On 4 June 1997, the government accepted the Resolution No. 266 "About the Statement of State Standards of General Secondary Education of the Republic of Tajikistan," in which, under the law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About Education," state standards of general secondary education are established.

The Constitution and laws of the Republic of Tajikistan also grant religious bodies the right to establish independent educational facilities so long as the education offered by them conforms to accepted standards, and some Islamic madrassahs have been reestablished in recent years.

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Education - Free Encyclopedia Search EngineGlobal Education ReferenceTajikistan - History Background, Constitutional Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary Primary Education, Secondary Education