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Nonformal Education

Radio has been credited with being one of the most effective means of nonformal education. A rural educational program called Dissoo (meaning both dialogue and study) was begun in 1968. It has long featured educational discussions, an early form of the talk show.

Adult education centers exist throughout the country, originally established with the help of UNESCO. The Centre d'expansion rurale polyvalente (CERP) was responsible to carry out such programs, usually led by a specialist such as a nurse or health officer, a veterinary agent, an agricultural or forestry agent, or a teacher. Animateurs rurals (rural motivators) played a crucial role in such education. The rural motivator returned to his or her village after training with the expectation that he or she will spread knowledge and motivate people into community action for improvement.

The tax system compels employers to allocate 1 percent of their payroll to the government to implement jobtraining programs. The Office National de Formation Professionnelle (National Office for Professional Training) was set up for this purpose in the early 1990s (Sow, 1995).

The famous historic Goreé Island near Dakar, where buildings used for the slave trade are preserved, forms an important educational site for Africans and others alike. Countless visitors have experienced the emotional impact of seeing the actual spot where their ancestors were present, either as slaves or as profiteers. The place has been named a UNESCO World Heritage site.

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Education - Free Encyclopedia Search EngineGlobal Education ReferenceSenegal - History Background, Constitutional Legal Foundations, Educational System—overview, Preprimary Primary Education, Secondary Education